1|1|1|The Caeser Salad was invented:|In Tijuana, Mexico at a restaurant named Caeser's.|1
1|2|0|The Caeser Salad was invented:|In the mid 1940's in Rome, Italy. The exact origin is not known.|1
1|3|0|The Caeser Salad was invented:|In the U.S. in the early 1970's. Like pizza and American Chinese food, it bears little resemblance to the real thing.|0
2|1|0|Red Wine is best served:|At room temperature.|1
2|2|0|Red Wine is best served:|Slightly cooler than room temperature.|1
2|3|1|Red Wine is best served:|About 70 degrees faranheit. Room temperature may be too warm or too cold.|0
3|1|0|A Piping Bag is:|Used to prepare the initial pickling components for relishs, chutneys, and certain fruit preserves.|1
3|2|1|A Piping Bag is:|Used to apply semi-solid food products in a decorative fashion.|1
3|3|0|A Piping Bag is:|The bag inside of a Turkey or other poultry that contains the gizzard, giblets, and liver.|0
4|1|0|When preparing a sauce with milk, you usually:|Chill the milk after letting it simmer for 10 minutes.|1
4|2|0|When preparing a sauce with milk, you usually:|Never let the milk boil.|1
4|3|1|When preparing a sauce with milk, you usually:|Bring the milk to a boil, stirring constantly, and then simmer to let it thicken.|0